Haderslev Specialities
Foto: Brænderiet Lillebælt
Some are locally rooted, others have drawn inspiration from abroad, but they have in common that there is a circle for the experience.
Ømands Gastro Lounge
Denmark's first bacon gastro lounge is located in Haderslev. It's a paradise for bacon lovers.
Vinspecialisten, Haderslev
Vinspecialisten Haderslev is one of the largest Vinspecialisten-shops in Denmark.
Slagter Vollstedt
Christian Vollstedt is a family-run butcher dynasty, founded back in 1862
Cakes and Coffee Buffet at Gram Castle
A proper Southern Jutland Cakes and Coffee Buffet is a very special experience. It is probably the best known of all the local traditions.