Haderslev Cathedral
The Cathedral rises high above the roofs of the city and stands as a unique element in the city's skyline.
The Cathedral is first and foremost the church of the parish; the framework that winds itself around human life in celebration and joy, pain and mourning. Then, it is the entire city's church; anyone can come here whether they are a member of the parish or not. Finally, the Cathedral is also the church of the entire diocese; the centre of all major events in the diocese.
The Cathedral is not a museum. Like all other churches it is in living use. But is holds a fascinating and eventful history, as well as fine artwork and fixtures.
Queen Margrethe II designed 4 antependiums (altar cloths) as well as 4 matching chasubles. The chasubles can be seen up close in glass cases beneath the choir. They contain central Christian symbols, which shows how extensive the Queen's knowledge is and how anchored she is in the Christian faith.
Everyone is welcome to visit the Cathedral, either to have a quiet moment for thought or to see the many interesting things the Cathedral has to offer.
Tours can be arranged during opening hours. Contact the vergers at +45 73 52 36 45 best between 10am-3pm, or at email: domkirketjener@hado.dk. Photography is allowed in the church for private use, but is not allowed during church functions.
Memorial Chapel for the Schlesinger Regiment. Some Fridays the Schlesinger Music Corps (SMUK) marches to the Cathedral to turn a leaf in their memorial book over fallen soldiers from their regiment. It is a festive feature and should be experienced if you are close by.
Concerts: During the summer there are organ-concerts every Friday afternoon as well as frequent evening concerts.
The Cathedral is closed for visitors during church functions in the opening hours.
The Cathedral is also closed for visitors around the holidays (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Great Prayer Day, Christ's Ascension, Pentecost, Whit Monday, First day of Christmas and Second day of Christmas).
Until June 2020 there is limited access for the walking impaired, as you need to climb a few steps to enter the church, and a ramp is not yet available.
Haderslev Cathedral is also the starting point for the Camino Haderslev Næs trail that winds through Haderslev and its surrounding areas in 9 stages.