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Ketting Nor - Bird sanctuary with birdwatching tower

Ketting Nor is a scenic brackish water area of approximately 39 hectare, situated between the two villages Sebbelev near Augustenborg and Egen near Guderup.

The area offers a rich bird life and the back of the cove is a bird sanctuary with a bird watching tower – do not forget your rubber boots.

Bird stock: Common goldeneye, Kingfisher, Hen harrier, Barnacle goose, White-tailed eagle, Eurasian bittern, Northern pintail, Common merganser, European Wigeon, European golden plover 

On your walk to the tower, you pass through a distinctive reed forest who contains an exciting botany with several rare species like Blunt-flowered rush, Crested buckler-fern, Egg-leaf twayblade, Narrow-leaved marsh-orchid and Sphagnum (moss).

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