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The Mosaic of the Border Country

The artwork “Mosaic of the Border country” is placed near the Memorial of the fallen in WW1 at the church Broager Kirke. This work of art is one of the 7 art designs within the art project “Reflections”, a more permanent celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the Reunion in 1920.

The artist of “Mosaic of the Border country” is Lars Waldemar, whose work is based on the time after the Reunion in 1920. The artwork, made out of concrete, measures 3.25 x 3.25 x 0.9 metres.

You can read more about the artwork, the artist and the thoughts behind it in the Danish/German web-catalogue.

The art project “Reflections” is financed by Fabrikant Mads Clausens Fond and the artwork “Mosaic of the border country” is sponsored by the local bank Broager Sparekasse. 

The inauguration of the artwork “Mosaic of the Border country” is a bit of a reunion story of its own. The first date for the inauguration was cancelled due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Denmark.

The new date of the inauguration was 13 September 2020.

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