Molens in Sønderjylland
De bekendste molen van Sønderjylland is zonder twijfel Dybbøl Mølle, maar wist je dat er nog veel meer molens in de regio te vinden zijn, met elk zijn eigen bijzondere geschiedenis?
Hieronder hebben we een overzicht gemaakt met de opvallendste water- en windmolens in Sønderjylland.
Dybbøl Mill - the museum
National symbol of Danish bravery and museum over the millers through the ages and the history of the mill.
Havnbjerg Mill
Fully thatched windmill of Dutch type, built in 1835 and situated on a high hilltop with Havnbjerg Church, built in 1180, as a neighbour.
Vibæk Watermill - Museum
On Sydals you'll find the last of the 10 watermills that have been on the island of Als.
Tønder Museum
Højer Mølle from 1857 is both a museum and a well-preserved cultural environment located on the edge of the marsh - a fantastic cultural landscape where the fight against the water has influenced and ...